Breathe Fully, Live Fully

By Stuart Altschular: Before I moved to Los Angeles in 1986, I had an experience that changed my life profoundly. My closest friend introduced me to a technique called Conscious Breathing (also known as Rebirthing). As a Psychotherapist, I knew that I had discovered a gift to offer my clients that has since saved many of them much time and money. It has altered my own life experience tremendously.

I know that the title of this article sounds like a "no brainer", but most people do not breathe enough throughout the day to sufficiently support the needs of their own body. Notice, right now, your own breath. Is it shallow or undetectable? Do you breathe like this all day? Maybe you have been holding your breath completely, and do this often, throughout the day. Many people do this and never realize that they are denying themselves the very force that keeps our body, mind and spirit balanced. The oxygen is our life force. The more fully you breathe, the more fully you can live and function effectively.

Rebirthing is a simple technique that involves a full, continuous, gentle breath that connects the inhale with the exhale over the course of about an hour. This process is different from hyperventilation. During this experience, you are actually breathing in an abundance of oxygen, or "life affirming energy". As you oxygenate your entire system, this high level of "life-affirming energy" is circulating to every cell of your being. All of us have stored in our cellular, or subconscious, memory every thought, experience and emotion we have ever had. These things do not just disappear. Much of what we have stored is not particularly life affirming. We have been programmed with negative thoughts and beliefs about ourselves,
relationships or the world. We have all experienced traumas and still live our lives based on the fears or anger that many of these experiences have left in our subconscious.

Conscious breathing, simply put, uses the increased level of life affirming energy (oxygen) to detoxify our mind and body of the emotions, thoughts, and memories that interfere with our natural, if unfamiliar, inclination to live fully and with joy and passion. It clears the mind and body to function more in peace and confidence and allows access to our natural creative talents. During a session of this breathwork, some clients have amazing cathartic releases and others have more of a meditative and quiet experience. Still others resist and struggle throughout the session, as if to express how they resist and struggle throughout their life. Everyone has his or her own personal experience and it is never the same twice.

Professionally, I am one of very few licensed psychotherapists who have been trained as a Rebirther. To some colleagues, this is too unconventional. To others, it threatens their livelihood since this tends to move clients through their issues faster. My philosophy, as a Psychotherapist, is that the whole purpose of therapy, is the get out of therapy. The goal is to learn how to live one's life integrating the communication between body, mind and spirit so that our heart and our head are equal partners in helping us live our life.

I do not mean to imply that this is a cure-all or some magical solution. Too many of us are looking for some pill that will fix us without having to take an honest look at ourselves. Many avoid therapy for fear of the emotions or memories that will be recalled. The only way past our pains is to go through them. This can take years but it doesn't have to. I even have colleagues, who have experienced Rebirthing, who often suggest that their client do some sessions with me to help them get past a block or get to some important material faster. It makes the therapy with that clinet accelerate sometimes.

It is important that you realize that a therapist is also human. I know that I make mistakes and do not always live up to the principles that I teach so effectively. Rebirthing, using my breath, often helps me get back on track, forgive myself faster, and move into solution. That is, when I CHOOSE to use it. There are many effective tools that will help you grow and heal. If you know you in need of help, ask. Trust that you will find the right tool, teacher, therapist, or friend. Just open your eyes and open your mind to something new, especially if the old efforts haven't worked. TAKE A BREATH!

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"Conscious breathing,
simply put,
uses the increased level
of life affirming
energy (oxygen) to detoxify
our mind
& body ..."


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