Topic: Finding the Whole in Your
psychotherapist's focus on spirituality
in the healing journey.
My guest this week has written the
book, Looking for God: Seeing the
Whole in One. This extraordinary
book has a one-inch hole drilled through
the exact center of each of the 136
pages. The author uses the spatial
emptiness of the void to share a
profound and universal Truth that can,
in fact, only be discovered within. By
pointing to the empty hole on each of
the pages, the author is also pointing
to the empty void in the center of you,
too. A unique journey into the (w)holeness
that lies at the core of Being itself.
Look inside... and touch the Void.
Guest: Chuck Hillig, MFT
addition to writing Looking for
God: Seeing the Whole in One Chuck Hillig has
used this spiritual understanding and
experience in his profession as a
psychotherapist. He received his
master’s degree in Marriage and Family
Therapy in 1977 and, a year later, was
licensed to practice in California as a
Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT).
Before that, he had served as a
commissioned officer in the U. S. Navy
for three years, and as a Los Angeles
County probation officer for seven,
actually introducing his young charges
to meditation at probation camps. “They
loved it,” he recalls. “They were
astounded by the world they discovered
within. Against all the anger and rage
in their external lives, they found a
way to quiet their minds and find