Topic: AIDS: Reflections on a
Quarter-Century of Progress...and Blame
5 million people were infected by HIV globally in 2005,
the highest jump since the first reported cases in 1981
and taking the number living with the virus to a record
40.3 million, the United Nations said on Monday" Reuters
December 1 is World AIDS Day. Apart from encouraging
organizations and individuals to campaign on World AIDS
Day under the theme “Keep the Promise”, the World AIDS
Campaign has joined forces with United Cities and Local
Governments (UCLG) and UNAIDS in promoting public
awareness activities through local governments and city
halls on December 1, 2005.
Guest: Mark Katz, MD
Dr. Katz is currently an internist at
Kaiser Permanente of West Los Angeles
with a large HIV practice. He also serves
as Southern California Kaiser’s regional
physician co-ordinator for HIV/AIDS and
has been active in LA’s HIV impacted
community since 1985.