Finding the Wise One In Us All
Learn what is necessary to
uncover your natural wisdom. Becoming a wise elder begins at any stage of life.
It is a process, best practiced over a period of time.
Hal Milton
Hal Milton is an author, minister and lecturer. His
extensive background in education, athletic coaching,
business, and the Human Potential Movement led to a
lifetime study of modalities associated with body, mind,
spirit, and emotional growth, prompting an integrative
approach to the relationship between them. As he
approaches his eighth-decade, Milton shares his unique
synthesis of practical and spiritual approaches to
living a full and satisfying life without regrets.
Milton is an ordained Unity Minister, author, seminar
leader and Certified Advanced Rolfer and Movement
Teacher. He is co-minister with his wife Sonya of
InsideOut Ministries, affiliated with the Association of
Unity Churches and dedicated to celebrating the inherent
divinity within each person.
He is the author of Going Public: A Practical
Guide to Developing Personal Charisma.