Make a Decision to Win!
In this
program learn about a goal setting audio CD
program from my motivational and
inspirational guest.
Gail Kasper
Gail Kasper is a high-energy motivational
strategist whose mission is to inspire
individual achievement. Gail’s unique
ability to motivate and read people allows
her to personalize her talks, focus on an
individual’s vision, and establish a
simple process to attain that vision.
An internationally renowned public
speaker, Gail has come a long way from the
19-year-old who moved to California with
no job, car, or place to live. Struggling
her way to the top, today, multi-billion
dollar companies, top CEOs, associations,
Ivy League universities, and professional
sports teams have adopted Gail’s ideas,
leadership techniques and sales programs
to increase performance and achievement.
Her client list includes American Business
Women’s Association, Burlington Coat
Factory, CEO Club, Home Depot, Morgan
Stanley-Dean Witter Reynolds, NHL, and
In addition to her inspirational keynote
speeches, Gail is a highly sought after
trainer whose return-on-investment sales
program, Selling Success, has produced
record numbers for leading organizations
across the country. Recognized by ABC as a
"time management" expert, Gail is the
author of the time management and goal
setting audio CD program "Make a Decision
to Win".