The Secrets of the Light: Spiritual
Strategies to Empower Your Life
Dannion Brinkley
Brinkley is co-founder and chairman of
The Twilight Brigade/Compassion in Action
(CIA), an international organization that
recruits, trains, and places volunteers,
with the goal of providing companionship
during the last months of life. With more
than 76 million Baby Boomers now
confronting the mortality of their
relatives and friends, many of whom are
Veterans, this program is providing a
much-needed link to assure quality in
end-of-life care.
He is also the author of the
international bestseller Saved by the
Light, as well as At Peace in the Light.
Made into a television motion picture,
Saved by the Light has been seen in over
30 countries.
He is loved and respected worldwide
for his inspirational lectures on the
Near-Death Experience, Palliative and
Hospice Care, Complementary and
Alternative Healing Practices, and
Self-Awareness. Since 1997, Dannion has
worked diligently, looking for the best
way to integrate conventional and
complimentary medicine. Website: |