The Single Side of Love
his newest release, The Five Languages of
Love for Singles, multi-million-selling
author Gary Chapman, PhD shares his
proven principles of expressing and
receiving unconditional love with our
nation’s fastest growing demographic
group—single adults. Whether the
individuals in your viewing audience are
divorced, separated, widowed, or never
married…whether they’re in relationships
that involve romance or the workplace,
classmates or roommates…they’ll find
practical wisdom in Chapman’s
tried-and-true maxims.
Gary Chapman, Ph.D.
Since the success of his first book,
Dr. Chapman has expanded his Five Love
Languages series to specifically reach
out to teens, singles, men, and children
(co-authored with Dr. Ross Campbell).
He is the author of numerous other books,
including The World’s Easiest Guide to
Family Relationships, The Other
Side of Love, Five Signs of a
Loving Family, Toward a Growing
Marriage, and Hope for the
Separated. Chapman speaks to
thousands of couples nationwide through
his weekend marriage conferences. He
hosts a nationally syndicated radio
program, “A Growing Marriage” that airs
on over 100 stations and also serves as
senior associate pastor at Calvary
Baptist Church in Winston-Salem, North
Carolina. |