Conflict Resolution in Relationships
Dr. Victoria Simon, Ph.D., MFT
completing her university education in
Europe, Dr. Simon focused her mental
health training in forensic psychology,
communication and conflict resolution,
receiving a Ph.D. in forensic psychology,
a license in Marriage and Family Therapy,
and training in mediation through the Los
Angeles County Bar Association. Her
practical experience includes working
with adults, juveniles, families and
organizations through the Los Angeles
County Forensic Department, the Los
Angeles County jails, the Los Angeles
County Juvenile Public Defender's Office
and the Los Angeles County foster system.
Dr. Simon worked for over a decade in the
Los Angeles County Forensic Department,
performing program development,
counseling and training. She was selected
by the U.S. Department of Justice to
develop and implement a new branch of
care for adult inmates in the Los Angeles
County Jails. The innovative Jail Mental
Evaluation Team she organized has
received high praise and recognition both
locally and nationally for its
outstanding contribution to inmate safety
and mental health care. An experienced
presenter, Dr. Simon has conducted
countless trainings for organizations
including: the California Association of
Marriage and Family Therapists; the
Lesbian and Gay Psychotherapy Association
of Southern California; schools within
Los Angeles Unified School District; and
government organizations of Los Angeles
County including the Public Defender’s
Office, the Sheriff’s Department, and the
Forensic Department.
Through her years of experience in the
field, Dr. Simon has acquired a broad
range of expertise in counseling and
coaching individuals who are struggling
in their relationships and lives. As a
child custody evaluator working with
children and families in the midst of the
emotional trauma of divorce, separation
and custody disputes, she has developed a
keen ability to assess quickly and
accurately what skills, tools, and
resources families and individuals need
to survive these upheavals. A skilled
child and family counselor, Dr. Simon has
also worked with dozens of foster
children, their caregivers and family
members in order to guide them in the
process of healing from family trauma and
separation. In addition, by applying her
skills in life coaching and counseling,
Dr. Simon has assisted hundreds of adults
and juveniles towards rehabilitation, by
supplying them with new skills for facing
the challenges of involvement with the
criminal justice system and for making a
successful transition to life outside
this system.
As a creative entrepreneur and successful
business woman, Dr. Simon has also
combined her psychological education and
business experience to create the
new-concept conflict-resolution firm,
Talk Works. Experts and clients alike
have recognized that Talk Works, founded
and directed by Dr. Simon, fills an unmet
need for communication and
conflict-resolution education within
personal and work relationships. Dr.
Simon established Talk Works to provide
business organizations, individuals,
couples, and families with the tools they
need to reduce conflict and increase
business productivity and relationship
success. For businesses, the underlying
vision is to teach collaborative team
building and reduce workplace friction;
for individuals, the vision is to teach
practical skills through a time-efficient
and cost-efficient approach in order to
move people forward in their
relationship, career and personal goals.