Trauma & Addiction
Guest: Adena Bank Lees, CISW, ICADC, BCETS
Bank Lees is a certified clinical social
worker, internationally certified
addictions counselor, Board Certified
Expert® in Traumatic Stress and a
certified Imago® Relationship Therapist.
For the past 10 years she has been
specializing in work with survivors of
childhood sexual abuse and is a national
seminar presenter and trainer on the
topics of Childhood Sexual Abuse and
Child Abuse. Adena creates individualized
programs for staff, companies,
organizations and curriculum development.
Adena Bank Lees is the author of 12 Healing Steps for Adult
Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse. This self-help guide is based
on the 12 Step Program of Alcoholics Anonymous for adults in the
healing of childhood sexual abuse.
This guide is best used by survivors of childhood sexual abuse in
conjunction with a mental health professional, spiritual advisor,
trusted friend or sponsor. She also has authored a manual and
audio tape on Childhood Sexual Abuse entitled "Practical
Applications for Sexual Abuse Treatment" and "Practical Tools for
the Treatment of Childhood Sexual Abuse."
Because of her extensive experience working with survivors of
childhood sexual abuse, presenting national seminars, training
organizations and developing training curriculum/programs for
organizations, Adena Bank Lees provides the most current science
and essential information that you and your organization need to
know in dealing with survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Adena
Bank Lees is a reliable and experienced expert in childhood sexual
abuse consulting, serving a variety of professionals including,
clinicians, clergy, law enforcement, educators, medical doctors,
nurses, child protection service workers, judges, lawyers and
corrections officers.
To contact Adena about speaking engagements, presentations,
training and consulting on childhood sexual abuse and surviving
childhood sexual abuse, please call (520) 579-9539 or send her an