Homophobia in the Workplace and Schools
tough entering the world of work. The
obstacles that confront young people as
they make the transition from
school/university to employment are many.
For gay and lesbian young people, there
are the added obstacles of homophobia and
heterosexism in the workplace - something
that heterosexual youth never experience,
and about which most managers, human
resource professionals and job counselors
know little. And the reason that they
know little is because gay and lesbian
people, as well as most forms of
discrimination against them, are
invisible. It is this invisibility which
is at the heart of the problem, and which
causes most managers to assume that
sexual orientation is not an issue in
their organization.
But the odds are it is. And it is
expensive. Gay and lesbian workers often
experience a sense of separation from
their colleagues, a need to lie, change
pronouns and pretend to be heterosexual,
increased conflict at home over the
invisibility of their partners, fear of
exposure and its consequences, a tendency
to retreat from social involvement and
participation in organizational life,
depression and stress, and less energy
available for productive work. On the
other hand, the organization itself
misses out on valuable information about
its employees, limits sales, alienates
staff and clients, reduces productivity,
and decreases retention of valuable
employees as well as the pool of
available talent.
Full Spectrum)
Leslie Tuchman, MFT |